It’s flu season. Also known as the season for drugging yourself silly and making yourself go to work even when you’d rather curl up in bed and do nothing for 48 hours. Every November, we hear about people get whacked left, right and center with colds and many people simply take them as par for the course: you just deal with it.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways to strengthen your immune system without the use of expensive and sometimes dangerous drugs. Diet helps as does exercise and rest, but if you’re looking for a method to fill in the weak gaps in your immune system and promote relaxation and pain relief, you’re looking for Laser Acupuncture.
How does Laser Acupuncture boost your immune system and prevent colds?
From the standpoint of the ancient practice of medicine, the reason why Laser Acupuncture works is because of the manipulation of energies in the body. Everyone has varying weaknesses in their energy; places where the Chi naturally has problems.
Laser Acupuncture can address these weaknesses in the same way a vaccine addresses weaknesses; by boosting energy and giving the body what it needs to strengthen itself. At the root of it all, we see the movement of energy. When the body’s Chi is moving sluggishly and brokenly, the body falls prey to viruses more readily; when the body’s Chi is in balance, the body stays healthy and can fight off viruses.
Not enough? Studies have shown that acupuncture helps the brain increase the body’s level of T-cells; cells which destroy bacteria and harmful viruses in the body. It is thought that acupuncture does this by provoking the body’s immune response through the use of the needles: the body thinks the needles are a threat and marshal their white cell and T-cell count to fight them off. However, the effect of this lasts days after the acupuncture session and so works on viruses and bacteria as well.
So, sick and tired of being… well, sick and tired? Laser Acupuncture may be a great way to fill in the missing gaps in your immune system and keep you healthy this flu season.
Get a personal consultation.
Head Office
Suite 214 – 1676 Martin Drive,
White Rock, BC, V4A-6E7
Open Hours
Monday – Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 11am — 4pm